20-21th of november


27 Division St, New York, NY 10002, USA

+1 (800) 123 456 678


    Terms and Conditions of Service Use
    Personal data processing pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and GDPR 679/2016 and applicable regulations
    With the User's prior consent, MF Packaging S.R.L. will provide, free of charge and upon the User's explicit request, a series of information (via email) related to the subject indicated by the User.
    I agree

    Our expertise, as well as our passion for web design, sets us apart from other agencies.

    Costumer care
    and after-sales assistance


    MF PACKAGING guarantees assistance and support to its customers, ensuring the highest quality and professionalism right from the initial consultancy phase:

    • Customized solutions for each project
    • Feasibility analysis and specialized technical consultancy
    • 3D simulations for the creation of prototypes
    • Customized solutions for each project
    • Research and development department to guarantee efficient and innovative solutions
    • Consultancy for the choice of packaging material
    • Custom product test
    • Study and consultancy for the implementation of our machinery within the destination factories (both existing and new production)

    The sales staff assists customers in choosing the machines and complete packaging lines best suited to their needs, provides complete and useful information on the products and the technology used, and prepares customized plant layouts. The internal production procedures include:

    • Quality control on each installed component
    • Planning department for complete control of the production plan
    • Remote production data analysis
    • Use of coded raw materials to guarantee the traceability of materials
    • Project manager dedicated to the coordination and technical support of each project
    • Customization of the machine management software
    • Decades of experience available to our customers

    It is the internal interface service at MF Packaging for the customer during the development of the project.

    Through the project manager, the customer can come into direct contact with our company, during the development of the order, to request any changes to be made to the order or even to be informed about the status of the machine's production process.

    We offer customized but still highly performing solutions. Our goal is to satisfy the customer and ensure peace of mind by developing their idea on our machines.

    In other words, we are committed to ensuring that your particular needs are subsequently reflected in our machines.

    The highly specialized MF technicians ensure a rapid and efficient after-sales service, from installation, to the testing and training phase, up to the subsequent scheduled maintenance phase in accordance with the characteristics of the packaging line and customer requirements:

    • Technical support through on-site intervention
    • Technical assistance via Skype and remote via Ethernet
    • Technical assistance for line installation and staff training
    • Ordinary and extraordinary maintenance service with technical assistance contracts
    • Spare parts warehouse with over 10,000 codes always ready for shipment
    • Coding of all components for immediate and unambiguous identification of spare parts

    Support Request

    Do you want to receive more information? Leave us a message and we will contact you as soon as possible

      Terms and Conditions of Service Use
      Personal data processing pursuant to Legislative Decree no. 196/03 and GDPR 679/2016 and applicable regulations
      With the User's prior consent, MF Packaging S.R.L. will provide, free of charge and upon the User's explicit request, a series of information (via email) related to the subject indicated by the User.
      I agree

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